论文: [1]Yang Chengjia,Tian Peng, Han Chenghao. Methodology of Stoichiometry Based on Hyperspectral Image Recognition[J]. Chemical Engineering Transactions. 2017(62):217-222 (EI:20181104896119) [2]Yang Chengjia, Li Xiongfei. Image de-nosing with morphological component analysis[J]. Journal of Information and Computational Science. 12(5): 1875-1882, 2015.(EI: 20151500723737) [3]Yang Chengjia, Li Xiongfei. A directional bi-dimensional empirical mode decomposition based image de-noising algorithm[J]. Journal of Information and Computational Science.12(17): 6401-6408, 2015. (EI:20155101706825) [4]Yang Chengjia, Li Xiongfei, Zhang Xiaoli. Lip contour extraction of RGB-based improved region growing algorithm. Proceedings of 2014 5th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Sciences, ICSESS: 597-600, 2014.( EI:20144600195421) [5]Yang Chengjia, Li Xiongfei. The green fluorescence image segmentation with the combination of HSV model and watershed algorithm. Proceedings of 2015 IEEE 6th International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Sciences, ICSESS: 607- 610, 2015. (EI: 20160801983720) 获奖情况: 1. 凝土扩盘桩新型成桩关键技术研究与应用 2020 吉林省科技进步 一等奖 排名第8 2. 基于无线传感定位技术的公共安全系统集成与应用 2017 吉林省科技进步二等奖 排名第5 3. 基于互联网技术的智能消防控制系统 2016 长春市科技进步 三等奖 排名第5 |